dijous, 21 de febrer del 2013


Renewable Energies: Water Energy (Hydropower)

Roger Esturi, Oriol Puig, Jose M Rodríguez i Ikram Dahou

Energy: It's the ability to do work
Difference betweem renewable energies and non-renewable energies:

- A renewable energy never last 
- Non-renewable energy sometimes pollute

Why do we have to use renewable energies?
Because is more ecologic than non-renewable energies and it never last.

About Water Energy:
Hydropower is a clean, renewable and reliable energy source which converts kinetic energy from falling water into electricity, without consuming more water than is produced by nature.
Quite simply the oldest method by which renewable energy has been harnessed by the human race. The first water wheels were used well over 2000 years ago, and the technology has since been refined to become very efficient in the production of electricity.
The potential energy stored in a body of water held at a given height is converted to kinetic energy (movement energy) which is used to turn a turbine and create electricity.

Here you got 5 sentences write if is true (T) or false (F)

a)The energy come from coal and oil.
b)Atoms have a negative nucleous.
c)Coal, oil and natural gas are the three atoms who the light needs.
d)Two renewable energies are water energy and solar energy.

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